About Us
maxmielke is managed by Andreas Mielke. In my 25 years of professional experience, I am still fascinated by the way ideas and creativity can carry impressive power in the markets. Unfortunately, many excellent ideas are never realised - because they appear at the wrong time or just stay "in the pipeline" as a result of internal communication within a company. That's the origin of the concept of taking creative ideas - with their own risks - and using them to develop communication concepts for markets and sectors, which are then offered up for realisation.
Following your own inspiration without a specific assignment is a challenge that depends absolutely on the ability to completely understand your own work. For success to happen, the idea, message and design have absolutely to be good enough to impress the target market. As a result, we are critical observers of our own work, discuss every detail and are always ready to start all over again if a better idea presents itself.
maxmielke is also the result of years of cooperation with international companies working from a broad range of industries. As an invited company, you will only see fully developed and coherent concepts of the highest quality.